Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Europe - Day 4 - Chocolate and Cheese

May 28,

Last night we did not sleep all that great, so this morning we had a slow and late start. We were not missing much outside though, since it is rainy, cloudy, and cold. By the time we finally left the rental house it was practically noon, and we headed to the Cailler chocolate tour. It was generally well done, and at the end got our fair share of chocolate to go. We then went to Le Gruyere tour, which was Ok. The chocolate one was better, but since we were here we figured we might as well do the Gruyere one as well. 

We also stopped by Gruyeres, the old town, but only for a little while. It was still rainy, and Bella was hungry and cold, so we didn't linger too much.

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