Thursday, May 30, 2019

Europe - Day 6 - Hike to Lake Taney

May 30,

Today has been a beautiful, sunny day - the first truly sunny day of the trip - and we took advantage of it by hiking to Lake Taney (Lac de Taney). In fact, the reason Lionel rented this place was so that we could go there one day during our stay.

The lake was only about 2 kilometers from here, but the hike was tough as it is really steep. Bella struggled at the beginning, and was getting really whiny, but at some point got happier and started to do better. It took us about an hour to get there, all uphill, but it was worth it. It wasn't warm enough to dip our feet on the lake, but it was a really nice view. So we lingered for a little while,  had lunch there, and eventually headed back down. Coming down was challenging too, as the super steep road is hard on the knees. We took a couple of trails hoping they would be easier than walking on the road, but those were tough too. So we were happy when we finally reached the parking lot, which is only about 100 meters from the rental house. 

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