Thursday, September 23, 2021

Sedona Arizona - Day 2 - First day of Hiking

 Sep 23,

Today we did a couple of hikes, one in the morning and one of the afternoon. We started our morning hike at 7:50 am, and it was actually a cooler hike by the creek. We walked for 7.4 miles but it didn't feel too bad until the end. By then we were definitely getting tired. After the hike we had lunch at a cool local place called Pump House, and then went on our second hike of the day. This time around it was much hotter, and much steeper, so we definitely had to work for it. It was only about 1.5 miles, but it was not an easy one. Good news is that we definitely had nice views at the end.

After taking naps, and taking a shower, we went out for dinner at a place called Elote, which of course was Mexican-style food. It was really good. We both enjoyed it very much while we talked and googled facts about Sedona (it is much smaller than we originally thought) and other cool places to retire eventually. 

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