Friday, September 24, 2021

Sedona Arizona - Day 3 - Second day of hiking

 Sep 24,

This morning we went on a couple of trails. First we did a 2.4 mile loop called "The Baldwin", which was relatively flat but did have some elevation here and there. Surprisingly, it also had a couple of areas with some much needed shade. After the Baldwin we drove to Bell rock. You could either do a path all around it, or try to climb it. We initially decided to do the path, but the path was not well marked and we did not want to struggle with it. So we decided to climb it. It was definitely the right decision as the views were nice, and we were out there for less time than it would have taken to do the whole path.

After our hikes we had lunch at a place called Mariposa Burger, and walked around for a little bit in the center of town. Lionel was tired though, and doesn't have a lot of patience for shopping anyway, so we only hit a few stores before heading back to the house. He offered to drop me off, and pick me up later, but traffic into town was getting heavy (it is the weekend after all) and that seemed like a hassle. So we are resting now, and will later go back out for dinner.

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