Thursday, September 23, 2021

Sedona Arizona - Day 1 - Travel day

 Sep 22,

Today we got up at the crack of dawn to catch our first flight. We did not have a direct flight, so we had to fly Cincinnati to Minneapolis, and then Minneapolis to Phoenix. We had to wear our mask the entire time we were traveling, except when we were eating or drinking, but it was not too bad. We were tired though from getting up that early. When we arrived in Phoenix we picked up the rental car and drove to Sedona, which took about 2 hours. We found the rental house, which has pretty cool views,  rested for a little bit, changed, and went out for dinner. After that we pretty much read and lingered as long as we could before we passed out for the evening. We didn't want to go to bed too early, because we would wake up too early as well, but we were definitely tired from the day.

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