Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This evening we stopped by the grocery store after Sofia's tennis lesson. We had to go get Bella's medicine, and pick up couple things for dinner. As we were walking down one of the isles, we ran into a little girl and her mom. The little girl stopped cold and kept staring at Sofia, with a mesmerized look in her face. She was also saying something I just could not understand. So finally her mom told me: "She thinks your daughter is iCarly". That really made me laugh! It was the cutest thing I had heard all day. And I finally understood the look in the little girl's face. I don't know much about iCarly, but I do know is one of those Disney Channel shows, and the main girl has long dark hair. If Sofia had only been a little bit friendlier, and said "Hi", that probably would have made the little girl's day.

 If you don't know who iCarly is, here is a little taste:

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