Thursday, July 1, 2010


I really don't know what is worse: being oh, so close to something you want - yet not getting it, or not even standing a chance. I tend to think it is the latter, because you hold hope until the very last minute only to get disappointed in the end.

Gabi and I had a great time at the Michael Buble concert last night. He has such an amazing voice. Unlike many artists, not only can he put on a good show, he can definitely sing live.

We left work early, which gave us enough time to drive to Columbus, walk around the arena, have a snack, and even meet some of Michael's crew way before the show. Everyone we met seemed so nice and friendly. I definitely have to give them that.

We then met our friend Lucille, who lives in Columbus, for some much needed girl time. The weather was beautiful, not too hot and not too cold. We walked around an outdoor mall, did some shopping, and enjoyed a nice dinner while reconnecting and talking about our lives. Lucille was also kind enough to let us stay at her place, and then drove us to the concert and picked us up so we didn't have to worry about where to park.

The concert was great. We had no problems getting in with our paperless tickets, and we were so, SO close to the stage. As soon as I had a chance, I held up my "Can I get a hug?" sign. Michael saw it and read it aloud, and made eye contact a few times. He even said "Yes" when he read it, but much to my frustration the moment just never arrived. In the blink of an eye the show was over, and that was that.

After the show we waited by the buses with some of the other fans. I was still hopeful that maybe he would come out and say hi to us. When I was standing there, one of his band mates came straight to me and started to chat. "You were sitting right in front of me, just a few rows back. Right?" He said. I guess he noticed me because of my sign. "Yes" I said. "That was me". We talked for a few minutes and he seemed like a really nice guy. He only had nice things to say about Michael, and what a down to earth guy he is, because up until a few years back he was just like any of us. After about 15 minutes he had to get back.

Michael never came out to say hi. We eventually just saw the buses rolling out, which meant definitely no hug for me. It was time to give up and simply call it a night.

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