Wednesday, September 29, 2010


After an eight month search, my mom found a new job today. This is what she wanted. This is the moment she had been waiting for. Yet, taking a new job was a bittersweet moment for her ... for all of us.

For the last four months she had been taking care of Bella couple days a week. And for the last month and a half, since Sofia started Kindergarten, those two days she would also take her to school and pick her up. The three of them walked together on the way there and back, which Sofia really liked not only because of the walk itself, but because my mom would pick her up right when school ended. No need to go to the afterschool program, which is not her favorite thing. Mondays and Tuesdays Bella also got to sleep in a little, Vs having to go to daycare with Lionel right at 7:00am. And how about her even making them breakfast while I prepared lunch for Sofia, and hurried to get ready myself.

The girls of course were not the only ones benefiting from abuelita's presence around here. Whether she knows it or not, she also helped Lionel and me a lot. It is all about the little things. Having her here meant sometimes we did not have to worry about dinner, did not have to get home to empty the dishwasher after a long day at work, and did not have to take a day off because the girls were not feeling well and couldn't go to school. She even took care of me when I was sick, and made me some hot tea and one of my favorite desserts.

So yes, it was all good for us when she was around, but the truth is that it was not all good for her. As much as she loved spending all that time with the girls, she also needed something else, something that was just hers. So we thank her for all the extra love she gave us during those four months, and wish her well in her brand new job.

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