Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sofia has always liked art. Maybe my judgment is clouded because I am her mom, but I believe she has a natural aptitude for it and is getting better at it everyday. In fact, when she had her preschool graduation her teachers wrote something along these lines: Sofia, most likely to be an art teacher.

The other day she came home with a flower she drew at school. I really liked it and wanted to keep it, buy she wanted to draw some more on it. So I offered her a dollar for it. She looked at me with a puzzled look and told me: "But it's MY drawing!".

I really did not want the drawing to be ruined, so I told her: "Ok. I will give you two dollars for it". She still wasn't interested.

"I will give you two dollars and a chocolate", I said. The answer was still no, but this time she looked interested.

"I will give you 5 dollars Fifi, but I want to keep the drawing and you don't do anything else to it", I said.

"Ok", she said, with a smile in her face. And that was it. We had a deal!

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