Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feliz Cumple!! Happy Birthday!!

This weekend was a time to celebrate in our family. Raj, Isabella, and Lionel's birthdays are exactly 4 days from each other: Nov 21st, Nov 25th, and Nov 29th respectively.

The celebration started on Saturday, with a kid's party to celebrate Isabella's second birthday. The weather was unbelievably nice and warm. It easily reached 70 degrees, which allowed us to inflate our little bounce house and have the kids running around and enjoying the backyard. I don't think Bella quite realized what the celebration was all about, but she had a great time going up and down. She got a little scared when everybody was singing happy birthday looking at her, but she got over it quickly and moved on with her day. We were also prepared to do face painting during the party, and although the original idea was not for the kids to paint each other's face, that of course ended up being the case. I let Sofia paint a heart on my left cheek, and later on she also painted Bella's little face. It was hard to tell exactly what she meant to paint on her sister's face, but I am pretty sure she had fun, and Bella didn't care.

On Saturday night we went out for dinner to celebrate Raj's birthday, during which we even reconnected with some long lost college friends. We had fun sharing stories and wondering what had happened to other classmates, and Raj took advantage of the opportunity to try to get some dirt about Gabi's younger days. Abuelita, as usually happens when we go out at night, stayed at home with the girls.

And then came Sunday. Today the entire family (yes, all 8 of us) went out for lunch to celebrate Lionel's and Raj's birthday. Of course it was not necessarily a relaxing lunch between trying to feed Bella, taking her to the bathroom several times, and finally letting her run around at the restaurant. But nonetheless it was still nice. I always like it when we all get together, whether it is to go out to eat, or just hang out at home.

Later in the afternoon we went to Gabi and Raj's house to cut cake. They bought two cakes, one for Lionel and one for Raj, which I thought was really nice. My parents went back home after the cake and taking a few more family pictures, but we ended up staying for dinner. That allowed Tia and Tio to spend time with the girls and teach them to use the computer and the iPad, which those two really enjoyed.

So even though we are now incredibly beat, it was a great weekend for our family and to show our love for each other.

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