Sunday, November 14, 2010


"Mami married me because I am funny", said Lionel during dinner tonight.

"No. You married her because you had to", replied Sofia.

"I had to?", said Lionel. "Why?"

"I don't know, because you wanted to", said Sofia. She then added "If you wanted to marry somebody else you would have to live in a different house".

Lionel then asked her "Are we going to choose who you are going to marry?".

"No", said Sofia with a smile. She then quickly added "Besides, I already know who I am going to marry".

"Really?!?", said Lionel. "And who is that?"

"Devon", said Sofia. "A boy from my school".

That was the end of the conversation. We did not see that one coming, but it really wiped out Lionel's smile.

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