Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DR Day 1 - Here we come!

Jul 18,

Today, the girls and I are heading to the Dominican Republic for a couple of weeks. Lionel couldn't come because he doesn't have enough vacation, so this is more of a girl trip. We are traveling with my friend Sandra, who is from the DR, and her two kids. Our goal is to have fun of course, but the trip also has a very specific purpose: Immerse the kids in Spanish. We are going to take them to a summer camp for part of the day so they have fun and practice speaking Spanish while Sandra and I do some work. Neither one of us can take the full two weeks vacation, so we are going to work from down there.

Although we went to Panama a couple of years ago without Lionel, and the girls did really well, that was only like a 4 day trip. We have never been apart for a full two weeks. So I hope the girls do well and do not miss Lionel too much, especially since we should be able to do Facetime every night if they want. And I hope I get some well deserved rest, since work has been so intense.

I am excited for our trip because this is the first time we go to the Dominican Republic, and also because it is not often that I myself get to be surrounded by Spanish.

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