Thursday, July 23, 2015

DR - Day 5 - Soccer Tournament

This weekend is Father's day in the Dominican Republic, so this morning the summer camp had a special Parents-kids soccer tournament. Even though Sandra and I don't play any soccer at all, we decided to go represent. After all, it is not like there were formal matches or anything. It was mostly people running all over the place, and the parents letting the kids score as many goals as they could. But it was fun for the kids and parents alike. Both girls went into the field for a little bit to play, and Bella was allowed to hang out with me (Vs her group) while I was there. She also - not surprisingly - took advantage of it to hang out with the older kids in Sofia's group. Of course by the time Sandra and I had to head back Bella started to whine ... sigh. She said hanging out with me made her feel like she wanted to hang out with me all the time. Eventually she stayed, but I wish the whining ended once and for all.

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