Wednesday, July 29, 2015

DR - Day 11 - Swim competition

This morning at camp they had a swim competition, so when we dropped the kids off they all went straight to the pool. I took a quick picture with Bella and her group leader -Alejandra - and Sandra and I also headed down. We wanted to see the kids compete before we left the club, and I am glad we did. Sofia won her event by a lot, which made her very happy, and Bella also won - her very first win ever. Granted, she was only swimming against another girl, but still. A win is a win.

By now the girls are completely familiar with the camp, and have settled into somewhat of a routine. Bella has also said she likes golf, and that when we get back home she wants to buy some golf "sticks". But of course now that they are settled, it is almost time for us to leave.

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