Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday - Together day

Jul 30,

Today we went to Summit park for lunch so the girls could go to the playground right after that. The weather was hot but not muggy, so it was a nice day to be outside. Besides, it feels like we are always splitting to run errands, do stuff around the house, etc. So I purposely wanted us to do something together - because we wanted to, not because we had to - without worrying about work or house chores, and without feeling like we needed to rush back to the house.

During lunch, while we waited for our food, we all shared our wish list items for our next house, wherever and whenever that is. It was fun to hear what everybody had to say. I still want plenty of space and room for my treadmill, Sofia would love a pool if we moved somewhere warm, and Bella wants a bay window in her room - something she actually heard Sofia talk about. Oh, and she also wants a hot tub, which I'd say is clearly not going to happen. As for Lionel, he loves looking at houses in general. So even though he didn't really share a specific wish list item, we all know he would love the house hunting process. 


Jul 29,

Earlier today, when we were driving to the wedding shower, I noticed for the first time this mural in one of the downtown streets. The girls got that bear for Christmas a long time ago, and we still have it somewhere, so I thought it was kind of cool.

Wedding shower

Jul 29,

Today Gabi and I went to a bridal shower for the upcoming wedding of Lionel's best friend. We didn't know a lot of people there, so it was nice that we got to keep each other company and catch up during the drive there and back.

Ice cream

Jul 28,

It had been 3 weeks since we made our usual ice cream stop, for one reason or another, but today we finally made it back. Best part of the day!

Tooth Fairy

Jul 28,

Last night Bella lost another one of her front teeth. It had been wiggly for a while, and it was really bugging her, so I actually helped her get it out. She put it in her tooth pillow, and in the middle of the night actually came over to my room - remembering to bring it with her. Lucky her that the tooth fairy found her and left her a treat.


Jul 26,

Today we harvested a few of our tomatoes and when I watered the plants I also discovered we had a growing family living in one of my flower pots. A bird made her nest in there, and when I started watering the plant one of the birds - who is not flying just yet - jumped out. But no worries, we put him back.


Jul 25,

Sofia, Lionel and I spent the day at the hospital while Bella spent the day with Isabel. It was a planned visit, and luckily it all went well, but it was still a tough day for all of us.

Cousins Sleepover

Jul 23,

My brother in law is allergic to our dog, so he can only come visit for short periods of time. Otherwise, he starts feeling like I feel around cats. But since he was away for business trip, I invited my sister to come over with the kids, spend the afternoon with us, and actually stay the night. We then made our special Sunday breakfast with fruit, pancakes, and eggs.  They kids loved being together, and my sister and I enjoyed some catch up time. 

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Jul 22,

It was hot, hot, hot today. According to my phone, at some point it felt as if it was 103 degrees outside.

Take your kid to working day 2017

Jul 21,

Today was "Take your kids to work day". It started really rainy, and our feet got all wet walking from the car to the building, but luckily it got better. The girls had fun and learned a few new things about the place where I work. And they also met a couple of my work friends. And of course it didn't hurt that they closed out the day getting Kona Ice AND Ice cream. 

Swim Team Banquet

Jul 19,

The very last step, before Summer Swim Team was officially over, was the Swim Team Banquet. The kids received some prizes and got to swim with their team - just play time, no practice - for the last time. 

Last swim meet!

Jul 17,

Today was the last swim meet of the season, and it was also a long one. Pretty much an all day affair. We arrived at 9:15 and left at almost 4:00 pm. I was a little afraid that I would be bored, because I knew the girls would not be staying by my side, so I took a comfortable folding chair and my book. But since the girls' events happened throughout the day , I didn't really have time to sit and read at all. I was checking on them back and forth. They had fun though, and were excited that their team won 3rd place. 

At the end of the day we had to drag all our stuff back to the car, parked a couple of blocks away, which was not particularly fun. But at least I was happy the meet was over and we were finally heading home.

Our latest book!

Jul 17,

Our latest Chicas Terremoto book has arrived! It's hard to believe it is our 14th one already.

Happy 3rd Birthday Adrian!

Jul 16,

Today we celebrated Adrian's 3rd Birthday with our family. Technically his birthday is tomorrow, but today is Sunday and it was easier to get everybody together. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Thumbs up

Jul 16,

We are back, and the reviews are in. Coco and Bella gave thumbs up to our Mami-Bella trip.

Dallas - Day 4 - Good bye

Jul 16,

Bella loves sleeping next to me, and last night she definitely did. We both slept in one twin bed while her doll enjoyed the other one all to herself. But that is Ok. This morning we are packing and heading home, so tonight should be a good night sleep.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Dallas - Day 3 - Last night

Jul 15,

It is a good thing that Bella took a nap because tonight we went out for dinner and back to the arcade. The kids had a lot of fun, and even the adults joined in to play laser tag - the first time ever for me. Bella also did rock climbing, which looked completely effortless for her. It was a good way to end our trip as tomorrow we head back home to our family and our routine.

Dallas - Day 3 - I'm not tired!

Jul 15,

When we got back to the house I asked Bella to take a nap, but she told me she absolutely, positively, did NOT need one. So I told her to just put her head on the pillow and rest her eyes, and this was her about 5 seconds later. 

Dallas - Day 3 - A little bit of everything

Jul 15,

Today we did a little bit of everything. After having a late breakfast at home we headed out. We went to the Dallas Aquarium, which was crazy packed, and afterward headed to the Cowboys' stadium. We were planning to walk around for a little bit, and maybe have a late lunch at the restaurant, but as it turns out it closed right before we got there.  We were surprised, because the website said it would be open, but the guy guarding the door simply said "Oh, it hasn't been updated". Seriously?!? That was not a short drive, so we were not particularly amused, but there was not much we could do. We looked for a nearby place to have lunch, and ended up at a local BBQ place. It was totally seventies-looking, but the food was not bad. After that we headed back to my friends' neighborhood and played mini-golf, which Bella wanted to do since yesterday. It was quite hot in the sun, so we were all happy to have some shade. We then finally headed back to the house to get some rest.