Friday, July 14, 2017

Dallas - Day 1 - We have arrived!

Jul 13,

Today is the start of our wildly anticipated Mami-Bella trip. Bella was so excited that she made sure the packed with plenty of time, and was eager to head to the airport early so we didn't miss our flight. It was really cute to see how excited she was. She also asked that we took a selfie on the train, on the way to the gate.  And she was delighted to be flying Delta as apparently the low budget airlines are not her (and her sister's) thing - mainly because in Delta they still give you drinks and snacks. The things that matter to kids...

The flight was slightly delayed due to the passing storms, which didn't make her particularly happy, but it wasn't too bad. The flight was fine, we entertained ourselves with an app that gave you a few letters  you had to use to make as many words as you could, and the pilot was able to get us to Dallas with only about a 15 minute delay.  

Our friends picked us up at the airport, we went to their house to hang out for the evening, and Bella particularly enjoyed the pool. She really wanted me to get in, so I did. We all played Marco Polo, and I am pretty sure I was the one who lost the most. We then took showers and went to bed. By then it was almost 11:00 in Dallas, which meant midnight back home. It was definitely time to call it a day.

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