Saturday, July 8, 2017

Swim Meet #5

Jul 5,

This week's swim meet didn't last long. It started at 6:00 pm and I barely got there on time as I was coming from work. I was hoping to have time to stop by the house and change first, but traffic was moving slow and that didn't happen. It had already rained the night before, and there were some puddles on the ground, so I had to roll up my pants. They looked a little silly, but dragging around my wet pants didn't seem like a better choice. The sky was gray, but everyone was hoping the rain would hold. It did for a while, and the girls completed several of their events, but the weather went downhill from there. We probably hadn't made it half way through the meet when the sky opened up and it started seriously pouring - steady and heavy rain with an extra dose of wind. Everyone ran for cover, in hopes the rain would pass, but eventually it became clear that was not going to happen and we accepted the fact we needed to swim swam back to our cars. At least I had an umbrella, and only my pants were completely drenched.

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