Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A chill 4th of July

Jul 4,

I don't normally do well sitting around, but even I need days like that sometimes. Still, as this day comes to an end, I am struggling with whether to call it "Chill" or "Lame". Both Lionel and I went running in the morning, I had to do my PT exercises, and the girls went to swim practice. That took the entire morning. We then had lunch - pretty much a bunch of leftovers - and went to see Despicable Me 3. It wasn't particularly awful, but I'd say it wasn't the best either. On the way back we stopped by my parent's house to visit them, which I really wanted to do today, and headed back home to get ready for the rest of the week. We were feeling kind of blah ... or maybe it was just me.

Even though it wasn't a bad day, and I certainly did not waste time sitting around, it still felt a bit weird that we didn't go to any parties or did anything particularly social. I guess that's what happens when the bulk of your good friends are expats, have moved away, or are currently out of town. 

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