Sunday, August 27, 2017

Solar eclipse

Aug 21,

After much anticipation by many people - some of whom even traveled south to see it - today was the solar eclipse. I was looking forward to it as well, but definitely didn't spend a lot of time making any sort of special plans. With work being non-stop, and getting ready to the new school routine, life has simply been too busy for that. Luckily Gabi had reminded me where we could go online and buy reputable eclipse sunglasses, so at least I did that much and they got here on time. The girls had a regular school day, and they ended up getting eclipse glasses there, so from the ones I bought I gave one to Lionel, kept one for me, and gave the rest to my coworkers. I was a bit petrified to hurt our eyes, so we reminded the girls a million times to only look for a few seconds and follow the instructions their teachers gave them.

I was at work, and in back to back meetings, but I did block a few minutes on my calendar to go outside and look at the eclipse. I only looked for a few seconds, but that was enough. I didn't ask anybody to take my picture looking at the eclipse as apparently most people did. Lionel and the girls saw it as well, although Sofia reported that when it was all said and done, she was actually underwhelmed by it. I guess all the anticipation made her have really high expectations.

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