Friday, December 22, 2023


Nov 5,

This weekend we happily headed to Boulder to visit our Sofia. It was a quick trip, but it was worth it to go see her. We flew in Friday and Boulder welcomed us with sunny, warm weather. On Friday night, when we went to eat at Pearl street, we saw the "stampede" - kind of a parade ahead of the football game. We also ate at The Buff on Saturday morning - after a long wait, and went to the football game that evening. I am glad I went, but it definitely reconfirmed that going to football games is not my dream activity. Lionel said the game was kind of boring, not as entertaining as others, and where we were sitting I constantly lost track of the ball. So I was more entertained looking at the cheerleaders. At least it was not that cold, so we were not freezing.

Since we left early on Sunday we didn't get to see our Sofia before we left, but at least we knew we would see her in 3 weeks for Thanksgiving.

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