Friday, December 22, 2023


Oct 31,

For Halloween we did not do much. I was not sure if people would dress up at work, so I found the middle ground between dong nothing and doing too much and took my cat ears to the office. There were some people that dressed up, but since I am on the phone all day I pretty much just put mine on for the photo. Bella dressed up as a little devil, and went to a party near the house for a little while. We were thinking about how that seems to be her go-to costume, as she has dressed up like that in the past. I guess that's just easy.

Lionel and I sat outside in the front porch with the neighbors for a little while, passing out candy. We didn't have a ton of kids, but it was not dead either. And I took all the leftover candy to work - because there is always someone there who'll eat it. 

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