Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 12 - Drive to Nice

Jul 31,

Today we left Merano and drove to Nice, which was about a 7 hour trip. Most of the drive was in Italy - we only crossed into France when we were really close to Nice. We stopped a couple of times to use the bathroom and to buy a quick sandwich for lunch, but other than that we drove straight through.

When we got to the rental apartment we unpacked and got settled, did some laundry, bought some water and food for breakfast, and took short naps. We eventually also went out for dinner, but that was that. We were tired not only from the drive, but also because with the heat and lack of AC we haven't been sleeping all that well. So we are very grateful to have AC here, especially since it is quite hot outside here as well.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 11 - The last of Merano

Jul 30,

After getting back from the Dolomites I took a nap and Bella, Lionel, and I headed back to the pool one last time. And Lionel's brother and his kids left to head back to Milan. We then got ready for dinner and asked the girls to pack as much as they could, as tomorrow Lionel wants to leave at 8:00 am or 8:30 am at the latest. We have a long drive to Nice, and traffic is likely to be bad, so the sooner we get started the better. Luckily in Nice we do have AC, so regardless of when we make it there we will finally be able to cool down.

Europe Vacation - Day 11 - The Dolomites

Jul 30,

Today we went to the Dolomites. The drive there was not bad, only about an hour and a half from where we are staying. But parking was something else. We actually thought we would not find parking at all, so after driving for a bit Lionel dropped us off - not knowing if he would be able to join us. Fortunately he eventually found a spot, and joined us at the top.

To get there we first had to take a Gondola, and then a funicular, but it didn’t take that long. And the views were totally worth it. It is truly a beautiful place. We didn’t do much hiking, just walking around here and there not too far from the main area, but we could still appreciate the beauty of the surroundings. And I am glad our nephews came with us. We don’t know each other that well, but after all this is how you make memories together.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 10 - Pool, lunch, and dinner

Jul 29,

After my morning run, the rest of the day was pretty much about chilling. We spent a good amount of time at the pool, we went out for lunch, we spent more time at the pool, and went out for dinner. By the way, so we remember it later, the hotel we are staying at is called Castel Rundegg.

For dinner we drove to the restaurant, which was a bit higher in the mountain. Not too far, but enough to have a nice view and be a tiny bit cooler. It was very pretty and the food was good overall, so it was a good pick by Thierry. Plus everyone seemed to be in a good mood, which is always good. 

Europe Vacation - Day 10 - Morning Run

Jul 29,

This morning I woke up at 7:10 am and decided to go work out at the small hotel gym. But Lionel said it was not too hot outside already, so I decided to take a walk instead. 

After walking for about 10 minutes I saw a path and people running on it, so I decided to give it a shot and run instead. I was then rewarded with being by the water and having beautiful views of mountains, vineyards, the water, and the city. I ended up with 5 miles, the satisfaction of working out, and knowing that even if the day is too hot to do anything afterwards, I already took the time to move and explore the town.