Sunday, July 28, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 9 - Back to Italy

Jul 28,

This morning we left Munich to drive back to Italy - this time to the Dolomites. We were supposed to meet there with Lionel’s parents and his brother’s family to celebrate Monique’s 85 birthday, but sadly she got sick and couldn’t travel. And his brother’s wife is no longer coming as her mom broke her arm and needs her. His brother and sons are still coming though. Lionel was hoping we would have cool mountain weather but it appears it will actually be in the nineties. Hopefully we can still go hiking though because it is supposed to be beautiful.

Traffic was annoying as we got stuck in this two-lane road in Austria for a while, as there was construction. But once we made it past that it was fine. We are about 30 mins out now.

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