Sunday, July 28, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 9 - Merano

Jul 28,

This afternoon we arrived in Merano, which is equally nice and hot at the moment. After checking in at the hotel, and somewhat unpacking, we all headed to the pool to try to cool down a bit. I rarely get in the pool, instead opting for just sitting on the edge, but today I didn’t even hesitate.

After the pool we took quick showers and went out for dinner. Sadly the restaurant said they didn’t have our reservation, so we ended up wandering for the next 20 mins or so. On one hand that was not ideal,  because we ended up eating really late, but on the other hand it allowed us to explore the town a little bit.

The hotel doesn’t have AC, so hoping the night will cool down at least a few degrees. Otherwise it will be mission impossible to sleep - especially for Lionel and the girls.

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