Wednesday, July 6, 2011


When Gabi and I were kids, we used to play a words guessing game named "Ahorcado". I hadn't thought about it in a very long time, but today I rediscovered it as Sofia and I were browsing a store at the airport. I learned that in English it is called the exact same thing: "Hangman" and that in fact Sofia has played it at summer camp. If I think too much about it, the name and overall concept are just wrong, as a hanging has nothing fun about it. But luckily when you are a kid you don't think too much about that stuff. We got the game, and Sofia and I had fun for a little while on our first flight and while waiting for the second one. For the most part I let her win by picking easy words and by giving her a lot of clues, which helped to review words and to make her feel good by unleashing her competitive side.

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