Sunday, July 31, 2011

Algo esta cambiando...

Lately I have noticed that my relationship with Sofia is changing ... and I don't like the change. Basically she has been driving me crazy on and off, day after day. She doesn't listen when you ask her to do - or stop doing - something, and when you scold her she either gives you a lame excuse like "I forgot", or "I didn't hear you", or starts crying right away.

The thing is that I don't think she is doing it on purpose. If feels like she is in her own little world and really can't help herself. It is not like we are talking big offenses, but her lack of attention drives you crazy all the same.

The part I dislike the most is that her lack of attention brings "mean mom" out of me. Today, for instance, I told her to be careful not to spill water outside the bath tub. And as soon as I said that, guess exactly what she did? So of course I told her that if she kept it up I was not going to help her anymore, and she would have to figure out how to take a shower, dry her hair, and get ready all by herself.

The other day I asked her twice to please go downstairs to get my phone but she flat out ignored me and just stayed sitting there. Couple minutes later she told me she needed help looking for her summer camp shirt, since she needed it for her field trip. I told her I was not going to help her because she did not help me, and she could not expect people to be nice to her if she couldn't reciprocate. This did not make me feel good at all, because moms should always be willing to help. Besides, I don't want her to feel like I don't love her, and I am not there for her. But I have feelings too, and although I am patient with both the girls I can't always look the other way when they misbehave.

I hope this is just a stage, and soon she starts to behave better at home. I sure would love to have a few more years of my sweet little girl before the teenager years. God only knows how much frustration and heart ache they will bring.

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