Monday, July 4, 2011


Many of the people I went to college with are scattered all over the world. Some were temporarily relocated by their companies, and others - like me - left the country to get an advanced degree and never went back. Regardless of the reason, I know classmates who are in Spain, Germany, Australia, Canada, and all over the US.

Sometimes -when I think about this-I feel somewhat cheated for having landed in Cincinnati, since there are many more exciting cities out there. Why couldn't I have ended up in Chicago, New York, or Vancouver like some of them? This of course is very ungrateful of me, as Cincinnati has been extremely good to me. And even though all those other cities are exciting and popular, the truth is that it can also be tough to live there. Maybe if I had landed there I would have been disappointed at the high cost of living, the weather, or the lack of green space. Or maybe I would have loved it for a little while, until it was time to get settled and start a family. I guess I’ll never know. And that is the difficult part, that you can't do it and have it all.

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