Sunday, September 4, 2011

NO Bella

This morning Bella made Sofia really, really mad. She actually makes her mad on and off every single day, but today was particularly bad. Sofia left her American girl doll catalog within Bella's reach, so that one grabbed it and in the process ripped couple pages off. This was particularly bad in Sofia's eyes. We of course told Bella that was not ok, but that was no consolation to Sofia, who was crying about her broken catalog.

Sofia was so upset that she made a "No Bellas allowed" sign, and later on even wrote Bella a note asking her to apologize. When she complained to me that Bella had not responded to her note, I pointed out that Bella does not know how to read just yet. So she asked me to read it to her. I did, and Bella apologized once again. That was good enough for Sofia, who decided to play with her again.

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