Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's not that difficult!

Couple weeks back Sofia's teacher sent a note home asking for magazines so they could use them for their projects.  So last Sunday night I put a few catalogs in Sofia's backpack and asked her to give them to her teacher. But Monday night, after we all got home, I noticed the catalogs were still in there. When I asked her about it she told me she forgot. I then told her to do it the following day. But Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night it was the same story all over again. By the time Friday morning came around I told her that if she didn't turn them in the next day she would lose her job (feeding the dog and vacuuming the kitchen floor) for this week. Unfortunately she once again did not turn them in. That brings us to this week.

Yesterday and today she once again came back with the magazines in her backpack. I couldn't believe it ... It is not that  difficult!! ... So tonight I told her that if she does not turn them in tomorrow I will take away all of her Halloween candy, and will take it to my job so my co-workers can eat it. If that does not motivate her, then I swear to God I don't know what will!!!

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