Friday, November 25, 2011

Sofia gets a C

Early this week I got Sofia's latest report card. She always gets a mix of As and Bs, but this time around she got one C. Since the C was in music, my first [sarcastic] thought was: Well, I guess she is not going to make me rich. The teacher's comment simply was: "She has to participate more".

Since a C is not quite acceptable in my book I felt it was necessary to talk to her about it. She was very sad when I told her, started crying, and kept telling me how she did participate and did everything the teacher asked. "I don't like Cs", she also said. At that point I was more concerned with making her feel better so I told her: "Well, we can't always get an A". As soon as the words came out of my mouth I thought to myself: This is going to bite me in the butt one day.

Once she finally calmed down I just reminded her one more time that it is important to practice if we want to get better at something. She said she would, and we left it at that.

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