Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ox Cart Man Field Trip

This Thursday I took the day off to chaperone Sofia's "Ox Cart Man" field trip. Since I work full time I rarely get to volunteer, so I was happy to go with her. She was excited as well. We sat together in the yellow school bus - my first time ever riding one of those - and both of us learned a lot throughout the day.

Turns out the Ox Cart Man is a book they recently read at school that talks about life in the 1800's, and how back then you pretty much have to be self sufficient and either grow or make yourself whatever you needed for the entire year. It was a rough life for sure.

We learned how they built barns, how the boys made corn straw brooms, and how the girls learned to stitch and make their own clothes. We also learned that back then they only took a shower once a month, which needless to say made for really smelly people. Sofia did not enjoy learning about that part and neither did I.

My favorite part of the field trip? Simply spending time with my girl, seeing her interact with the other children, and being part of one of her school days.

Riding on the yellow bus

Sharon Woods Heritage Center

The barn we visited

Making a broom

Stitching the letter N

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