Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sands Carnival 2012

This afternoon was this year's Sands Carnival. Lionel and Sofia went ahead of Bella and me because I still needed to take a shower from playing tennis in the morning, and Bella had misbehaved - so she had to wait. We all walked because the weather was nice, the school is a 15 minute walk, and we knew that parking would probably be a challenge. During our walk Bella sang "I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it..." pretty much the entire time, but I eventually convinced her to sing something else. And even though she whined couple times about having to walk, she did walk the entire time.

When we finally got there Bella got a little cranky, and she didn't want to play any games, but Sofia seemed to be having a great time walking around with Dad. After a little while Bella warmed up and decided to go to the bounce house and play couple games, and she won a few tickets and was even able to get a prize.

Lionel worked for a little while at the booths for the girl's classrooms, and then we all headed home.

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