Sunday, December 23, 2012


Today I stayed in bed until 10:00 am, which is basically unheard of for me.  I didn't sleep until then, I probably woke up before 9:00 am, but the girls were playing, Lionel was talking to his parents, and the dog was taken care of. So nobody seemed to be waiting for me to take care of anything. For the first few minutes I just stayed in bed not doing anything, wondering for how long would that quiet time last. But I eventually turned on my iPad and started checking Facebook, and random stuff just to waste time. Not something I get to do every time, so if was nice for a change.

Eventally I did get up and we spent the day cleaning the girl's playroom, which needless to say is always a mess. We took out a lot of toys, packaged them nicely, and then the lady that comes clean our house twice a month came to pick them up. I know some of them she will be able to use herself for her grand-daughter, and for the rest she will help find them a good new home.

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