Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sofia's first piano recital

This afternoon Sofia had her very first ever piano recital, at the East Gate mall. She was probably the youngest and played the shortest song, but I was very, very proud of her. She doesn't like being the center of attention, and I could tell she was very nervous when she realized they would be in the middle of the mall, right in front of a bunch of passersby. As she waited for her turn, watching couple other girls who clearly knew how to play the piano very well, her face was one of panic. So I started feeling panicky myself, and my heart started racing fearing the worst, but hoping for the best.

When it was finally her turn, she took a deep breath and - although still very nervous - she managed to pull through. I was so happy for her! I hope this will only be the first one of many recitals ahead of her.

Waiting for the recital to start...
Of course I brought flowers for my little artist
Group picture of all the students
Sofia and Jeremy, her piano teacher

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