Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

Yesterday wasn't the best day ever...

Bella was grumpy for the start of the day, didn't have fun opening presents - which she apparently didn't like either - and whined for a good part of the day. At my request we made it to church in the morning, but once there the girls decided to pick a fight over a marker, which ended up with Sofia being reprimanded and sitting there with a very long face. Since we had such a disappointing and unemotional start to the day I was particularly disappointed and got grumpy myself. After all, Christmas is supposed to be a happy family day!

The only real break happened when I took Sofia to the movies. Nobody else wanted to go, so we went out by ourselves. On our way I called Abuelita and asked if she wanted to go, to which she said yes.

Eventually Bella did warm up to her gifts, but it was too bad that she wasn't even excited about getting them to begin with.

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