Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our New Piano ... Kind of

Today we went to a music store to look at pianos. The price tag on the real thing was a lot higher than we expected, so for now we settled on a digital piano that is still a serious upgrade from the little keyboard Sofia had up until now. I would not say that this one was cheap by any means, but it was definitely more doable than the acoustic ones and should do it for a few years.

Lionel wasn't 100% convinced about spending the money on it because Sofia is not that good and dedicated just yet, but on the other hand she may never get there if she doesn't have the right tools. So I was ready to make a bet on her. Besides, I have added learning to play the piano in my bucket list.

We couldn't bring it home today because it wouldn't fit in the SUV with the car seats in it, but hopefully Lionel will be picking it up and bringing it home tomorrow.

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