Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to back

Today was a pretty full Saturday. I ran 7 miles in the morning, Lionel and the girls then had tennis, we went to Target to buy a birthday gift and food for lunch, came back home to take showers and eat lunch, and right after drove all the way up to the Great Wolf Lodge to drop Sofia off for the overnight birthday party she was invited to. Bella had an absolute meltdown when we came back without Sofia, and cried for like 20 minutes straight. But she finally calmed down when I told her she was going to Coco's birthday as soon as we got home. When we came back home we probably rested for 10 minutes before we walked back down Perla's house. By then, it was close to 4:00 pm. By 6:30pm Lionel picked us up, with the intention of going out for dinner all three of us. Since Bella doesn't really get a chance to be alone with us, we thought it would be a good opportunity to spend time together just the 3 of us. But she had other plans ... Since it was Parent's Night Out at her daycare - a babysitting opportunity they now offer every month - she decided she wanted to go there instead. I tried to convince her otherwise, but she had made up her mind. I was disappointed at the missed opportunity, but we took her to daycare as she asked. Lionel and I then had dinner out, just the two of us, and picked Bella back up at around 9:15. By then, I was absolutely beat. So we are now sitting on the couch, and I am writing this as Lionel watches TV.

After a back to back type of day, sitting on the couch is just what my tired feet need right now.

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