Friday, August 30, 2013

Un ojo al gato, y el otro al garabato...

A few things happen when I am working from home and, for one reason or another, I need to keep Bella with me:

1) She makes a giant mess while I watch her helplessly because I need to work, and more often than not I also need to be on the phone.

2) She eats stuff that she probably shouldn't [like candy] because while I am working she grabs her plastic stool and moves it around to get stuff that she wants from the kitchen.

3) At some point I end up asking her if she wants to watch TV (yes, I actually offer it to her) because I need to ensure she is not going to start screaming while I am trying to get stuff done.

4) I get really stressed, dreading the moment when [while I am on the phone] she may start screaming or talking to me loudly, and I may not be fast enough to go on mute.

5) I feel like a bad mom (for ignoring my child) and like a bad worker (for having my child with me).

Today was one of those days. Bella built a fort in the living room, left all her play dough stuff on the kitchen table, and barely ate lunch. But all things considered I think we did Ok.

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