Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pizza stone

Sometimes I make bad choices, just like everybody else. Today, my bad choice came when I was making dinner for the girls.

Since Lionel was at the Reds game for some work event, today's menu was salad and home-made pizza. I had bought pizza dough that you just take out of the package and unfold into a flat rectangle. Over the weekend I also bought a pizza stone - which is supposed to make the pizza a lot crispier - so I was eager to use it. Since the pizza stone is round, and the dough was a rectangle, I decided to make a big ball of dough to then reshape it to a circle. That, as it turns out, was a really bad idea. Once I had the ball, I really struggled to reshape it back into a square, a circle, anything! It was so compact, that it really did not want to expand. Eventually I managed to spread it enough to cover probably 60% of the pizza stone ... good enough as far as I was concerned! I then finally put on the sauce, the cheese, and the pepperoni, and put it in the oven while I went to give the girls a shower.

By the time we were ready to eat, and I took the pizza out of the oven, I realized that the dough had stuck to the pizza stone! I did put flour on it before I put the dough in there, but I guess that will all the effort of trying to spread it again, it just stuck.

We still ate our pizza, and we still enjoyed it very much, but the pizza stone is still there, waiting to be cleaned. That is a project for another day...

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