Monday, March 24, 2014

The Chocolate 5K

Yesterday morning Sofia and I were supposed to participate in the Chocolate 5K, which was going to be to our first race together. She insisted that we signed up for it after she heard about it on the radio, and heard that besides water they were going to be handing out chocolates throughout the course. She had been really looking forward to it, but unfortunately we couldn't go because she was still sick, the race was early, and it was really cold in the morning.

She was very disappointed the night before when I told her we were not going, so I told her not to worry because there would be many other races she and I could do together. To make her feel better I started looking right away, and luckily we found the "Teddy Bear Run", which is also downtown and happens to be right on her birthday. So we will be signing up for that one, and hopefully this time around nobody gets sick, and nothing prevents us from being there.

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