Sunday, March 23, 2014


This past Wednesday I took Sofia to see Wicked, one of my favorite plays and one that is appropriate for kids. Before the play we had dinner at Sotto, one of the newest restaurants downtown. The dinner was good, although not as good as I thought it would be. But the play was great, and Sofia enjoyed it very much. I was afraid she would be too tired for the second half, but she was wide awake and paid attention the entire time. During the intermezzo we also made a great move, and stood up as soon as the last song ended. I knew Sofia would have to use the restroom for sure, but the lines are always so long that sometimes you don't have enough time to use it at all. Thanks to our great move we were the first ones in, which made Sofia very happy - especially when we got out and the line was so long that it went almost to the opposite side of the room.

Getting up the next day was a bit rough, but if you ask us both it was totally worth it.

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