Sunday, March 23, 2014

The double mess

This weekend Sofia had a cold, so she actually stayed home on Friday. Yesterday morning she said she wanted to go to French class, so we did. But once there she started feeling bad, so we left the class a bit early. Since it was about 10:15 am I called my parents to ask if they wanted us to meet them somewhere for their morning coffee, and we agreed to meet at one of the many Starbucks. I thought that getting Sofia a hot chocolate would be good for her, and would serve to lift her spirits.

All 5 of us sat at a table to enjoy our drinks, but sadly it wasn't long before Bella spilled her hot chocolate sending some of it to the table, the floor, and even a few drops on my mom's pants. I quickly got up to get napkins to clean the mess, only to find that by the time I came back Sofia had already spilled hers! And this time around her drink was not only spilled on the table and the floor, but also all over her outfit and my mom's pants.

It took another bunch of napkins, but we managed to clean the mess. And even though my parents and I could have been all upset, we managed to keep our cool, not bite their little heads off, and even walked around after that for a little bit before we went our own merry way.

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