Friday, July 31, 2015

DR - Day 13 - Playa Boca Chica

On our very last day, we managed to make the time to drive to the beach. And with that, the trip now feels complete!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

DR - Day 12 - Happy and Sad

Tomorrow is our last Day in Santo Domingo, and that makes me both happy and sad. Happy because we are going back home, to see Lionel and the family, and back to our space and our routine. Sad because the end of a trip always is, I don't know when will I be back to Latin America, we didn't go to the beach, and I had to spent part of my trip working. So its not like I could totally disconnect and just do my thing. But most of all, what makes me the saddest is that I have officially run out of time to make more happy memories here. And I really really wanted more happy memories to try to forget about the difficult moments the girls have given me over the last couple of weeks.

DR - Day 12 - The mural

There is this one mural we drive by all the time on our way back to Sandra's house from the club. It is a very pretty one, and there is something about it that makes me smile.  Today I finally managed to take a picture of it, even though the fence around the building made it impossible to get an unobstructed view.

DR - Day 12 - Hair Salon

Today was all about the hair salon. In the morning Sandra and I went there to get a hair treatment we had been wanting to try for a while. Then, after picking up the kids from camp in the afternoon, we went to another salon - one closer to her house - so the girls' could get a haircut. This was a different experience than they've had at home, and one they really enjoyed.

At home, at the kids hair salon they usually just spray water in their hair to get it wet. And after the haircut they don't even dry it. At the most, they probably give them a barrette or a little braid. Here they washed their hair as they do for adults, gave Bella some layers (didn't recommend them for Sofia), and blow dried their hair. I think this is the part they enjoyed the most. It made them feel special, and they enjoyed  a lot how their hair looked at the end.

DR - Day 12 - Spanish Vs Spanish

All people who speak Spanish manage to understand each other for the most part, but there are definitely variations on words, names, or expressions that sometimes make you smile, somethings confuse you, and sometimes make you think. Here are a few words or expressions that are different between Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Un chin mas = Un poquito mas
Lechosa = Papaya
Que tu quieres = Que quieres
Nispero = Zapote
Guineo - Platano
Devolverse = Regresarse
La nevera = El refri
Las habichuelas = Los frijoles 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

DR - Day 11 - Wishes

Tonight, as she was going to bed, Bella told me that she wished we still had another week here. Not to go to camp though - to hang out all day with me. She is bummed that we are not going to the beach, since it would be a bit of a day trip, but she also said (just like the other kids) that she didn't want to miss Friday at camp because it is their last day. And Friday would have been the only day we could have gone to the beach. I am also bummed that we are not going to make it there, so we will have to make it a point to go to the beach sometime in the near future - this time around the four of us.

DR - Day 11 - Maximo

Last time I saw my friend's nephew, Maximo, he was about 10 years old - maybe even younger. Today we saw him again and at 16 years old he is super tall and so grown up. He still has that bubbly personality I remember from a few years ago though. He is a good kid.

DR - Day 11 - Swim competition

This morning at camp they had a swim competition, so when we dropped the kids off they all went straight to the pool. I took a quick picture with Bella and her group leader -Alejandra - and Sandra and I also headed down. We wanted to see the kids compete before we left the club, and I am glad we did. Sofia won her event by a lot, which made her very happy, and Bella also won - her very first win ever. Granted, she was only swimming against another girl, but still. A win is a win.

By now the girls are completely familiar with the camp, and have settled into somewhat of a routine. Bella has also said she likes golf, and that when we get back home she wants to buy some golf "sticks". But of course now that they are settled, it is almost time for us to leave.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

DR - Day 10 - Food Shopping

After the market, and after picking the kids up at camp, we went to the grocery store to buy some food for the rest of the week. Sandra and I were fearful - rightly so - that the kids may act up, but luckily they behaved and we had a pleasant shopping trip. 

DR - Day 10 - The Market

This afternoon, while the kids were at camp, we went to a local market to buy some gifts. I bought a few things, and my favorite one of all was a painting that caught my eye right away. I didn't think of taking a picture of it before they wrapped it for the trip though, so everybody is just going to have to wait and see it live. I did take a picture of another painting that, when I saw it, reminded me of my sister and me.

DR - Day 10 - Walk/Run

I normally don't like running back to back days, but today I really wanted to and had time to work out. So I ended up doing 3 miles, half walking and half running, as that seemed like a nice compromise. I ran  by the golf course again, and stopped to take a picture of what's probably my favorite tree at the club. On my way back I stopped by to say hi to Sofia, who has happily enjoying free time at the pool. They normally have an actual class, but I guess they were taking it easy today. One of her teachers told me they are doing some swim competition tomorrow, which I think Sofia is going to like.

Monday, July 27, 2015

DR - Day 9 - Finally, a run!

Jul 27,

This morning I tried running at the gym at Sandra's club, where the girls are going for summer camp. But I was told the gym was only for members, and not for members' guests. I was not pleased, but I was not about to get into an argument. I really needed a run though, so despite the heat and humidity I decided to run outside. I didn't have my GPS watch with me, by judging by time I figured I probably ran about 3 miles. 3 much needed miles.

DR - Day 9 - Regret

Every time the girls have to get up, get tired, or get asked to do something they don't want to do, they immediately give me a depressing look and start asking how many days until we get back home. Needless to say, that is making me feel like bringing them here was a mistake. Why do I bother trying to do something different with them? Perhaps I shouldn't have, and perhaps this is the first and last time I take them anywhere for this long by myself.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

DR - Day 8 - Taking it easy

This morning we are taking it easy, which is fine by me. It is allowing me to catch up on the blog, and giving the kids some rest. Since today is father's day here, this afternoon we are going to Sandra's brother's house for Paella and a mini family reunion + the girls and I. Everybody has been so nice, welcoming us in their homes as if we were one of them. It makes me feel good, and kind of bad at the same time.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

DR - Day 7 - Colonial Buildings

Jul 25,

In case I haven't said it enough, I love Colonial buildings. They are beautiful and bring me great memories from my childhood. When I retire I would love to do it in a house with an orange "tejas" roof, a nice  courtyard with beautiful plants and a working fountain, beams in the ceiling, and a nice balcony to enjoy the breeze. By then I will probably have time to slow down and enjoy all of it every single day.

DR - Day 7 - Sofia

Jul 26,

Since Sofia was the one that cooperated the most for the pictures, I have a lot more of her than of anybody else. Here are a few extra ones.

Ceiling of the national heroes cemetery

A bull, street art

A sun calendar and clock, from ~1730

The  first governor's house
Diego Colon's house

DR - Day 7 - Isabel la Catolica

We saw the name of this street and had to take a picture. We have our own Isabel-La, but I don't know  how "catholic" she really is.

DR - Day 7 - The Colonial Side of Town

Jul 25,

This afternoon we went to the Colonial part of town. I was really looking forward to it, as I knew it would make me feel as if I was back home. We saw a fortress, a street dog that Sofia really liked, the French and Mexican embassies, the house where Cristobal Colon's son used to live, and he house of the first governor. It was a very hot day, so we made sure the kids had plenty of sunscreen. We also took a break for a late lunch at a nice restaurant with good food, wifi, and air conditioning. The little ones were challenging at times, but Sofia was fine and for the first time actually paid attention to the audio guides they provided in a couple of the places we visited.