Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DR - Day 1 - I Miss Daddy

Jul 20,

Yesterday was our first full day in Santo Domingo, and the girls went back and forth between having fun and crying because they missed daddy. Sofia was tired, because they went to bed so late, and Bella probably got sentimental watching Sofia get sad. So throughout the day they had a couple of crying fits because daddy was not with us. I hugged them, kissed them, and told them I missed daddy too, but that he wanted us to have fun.

Since Saturday was such a busy day, on Sunday we decided to just go to the club and let them play in the pool and run around. We met some of Sandra's relatives there too, one of them another little girl - thank God. We stayed there pretty much all afternoon, and came back "home" at around 5:30 pm. The girls played and colored for a little bit, and then took showers, had dinner and crashed for the night at around 8:30 pm. Sofia actually didn't eat - she said her stomach hurt - but that was Ok. I felt she needed sleep way more than she needed food.

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