Saturday, July 18, 2015

Bike Trail

Jul 12,

This afternoon we went to the Bike Trail, Bella's first time without training wheels. Nobody besides me was particularly excited about it, because they were busy doing their own things. The weather was really cloudy, so Lionel wasn't super excited about loading the bikes in the car and potentially getting rained on. Bella wanted to go to the neighbor's house, and Sofia's friend Maggie was with us and Sofia didn't want to leave her behind. But I insisted, and we even brought Maggie along. 

Loading the bikes was indeed a chore, since Sofia's new bike is much bigger and no longer fits in the trunk. But we finally made it to the trail and had a great time. We also did not get rained on. Bella did great riding her bike, even though we rode for over 6 miles, but she definitely needs to work on her riding manners. We will have to keep working on that.

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