Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DR - Day 2 - Cama Drama

Jul 20,

Tonight's drama was about who was going to sleep where. It was Sofia's turn to sleep in the inflatable mattress, and Bella and me in the actual bed. But Sofia started whining about how she didn't want to do it, because she wouldn't be comfortable sleeping there. since I didn't want to hear her cry again, I told them to just get in the bed. Of course that led to Bella protesting that it was her turn to sleep with me, and that she didn't want Sofia to sleep with her. Sofia then started crying and saying she felt bad for making me sleep on the floor. There's just no winning with these girls! After arguing with both of them back and forth I ended up with the inflatable mattress, and still, somehow, I was the one consoling them. Sigh.

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