Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Vacation - Day 8 - Mami time and Festival of Lights

Dec 28,

Today I got some "me time". When I woke up I did a 3 mile run on the treadmill, took a shower, and then went out to get a massage. After the massage I ran a couple of errands, came home, ate lunch, and went back out to watch La La Land with a few girlfriends. Then, in the evening, it was finally family time. I came back home, bundled up, and we went to the Festival of Lights. It is a family Holiday tradition that I don't like to miss.

Christmas Vacation - Day 7 - Errands and a movie

Dec 27,

Today we took it easy in the morning, getting up late and moving a bit slow. Lionel wanted to run a few errands, and Lionel's parents were out for lunch, so the girls and I went to my parents' house for lunch. They stayed there while I went to my dentist appointment, and I picked them back up afterward. We went back home just for a little bit, to say good bye to Lionel's parents who were flying back home in the evening, and then went out again. We first picked up Bella's friend Linn and then went to the movies to watch "Sing". While we were at the movies Lionel got some help to finish putting together the infamous basketball hoop. By the time we got home it was already past 8:00 pm so we had dinner, hung out for a little while, and after that it was time for bed.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Vacation - Day 6 - Krohn Conservatory

Dec 26,

Today the girls and I went to the Krohn Conservatory to see the Christmas display. I love going there. Sofia gladly came, but Bella initially threw a tantrum about it. So I had to remind her that sometimes others do nice stuff for us, and some other times we have to reciprocate. Besides, the day was super warm for this time of year, sunny and nice, so we were not about to spend the whole day inside.

As soon as we got there Bella changed her mind. She really enjoyed the display and agreed that coming with us was a good choice. After that we went downtown for lunch at the Taste of Belgium, and then came back home. It was so nice not to rush, and be able to take our time for each thing that we did.

At night the whole family went out for dinner at Palomino, facing fountain square. Unfortunately the lights on the big Christmas tree were not on, but it was still a nice view.

Christmas Vacation - Day 6 -Morning Run

Dec 26,

Since today was so unseasonably warm, I HAD to go out for an outdoor run. After waking up a bit after 8:00 am I quickly got up, got ready, and went outside with the dog. My plan was to run around the neighborhood. It was raining a little bit, but not too bad. Except that as soon as we started running it started to pour down. We got completely drenched, and the dog hated every minute of it. So after one mile I brought her back in, but forced myself to get back out there. The weather was bad, but I was not about to quit. Luckily it stopped pouring, and the leftover rain was not as bad. I completed my 3.1 mile run and immediately came back inside to take a quick shower before I got cold and potentially sick.

Christmas Vacation - Day 5 - Gifts and hard work

Dec 25,

Later in the morning, after the girls had opened their Santa presents, they also received gifts from grandma and grandpa. So lucky of them. And even later, in the late afternoon, Lionel, his Dad and I tried to put together the basketball hoop the girls got from Santa. It was a pain, and the instructions were horrible, so after 3 hours we had to stop and come in for dinner. By then in was late and cold, so we had to give up for the day. We still want to finish it, but we are going to need some help!

Christmas Vacation - Day 5 - Santa!!!

Dec 25,

This year the girls were very lucky once again as Santa came and left several gifts for each one of them.  They even got a personalized letter each. They were happy, and excited, and we of course were excited for them. We know one day, not too far from now, these days full of belief and innocence will come to an end.

Christmas Vacation - Day 4 - Last Nochebuena pictures

Dec 24,