Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Vacation - Day 7 - Errands and a movie

Dec 27,

Today we took it easy in the morning, getting up late and moving a bit slow. Lionel wanted to run a few errands, and Lionel's parents were out for lunch, so the girls and I went to my parents' house for lunch. They stayed there while I went to my dentist appointment, and I picked them back up afterward. We went back home just for a little bit, to say good bye to Lionel's parents who were flying back home in the evening, and then went out again. We first picked up Bella's friend Linn and then went to the movies to watch "Sing". While we were at the movies Lionel got some help to finish putting together the infamous basketball hoop. By the time we got home it was already past 8:00 pm so we had dinner, hung out for a little while, and after that it was time for bed.

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