Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bella's 8th Birthday Party

Nov 19,

For her birthday, this year Bella wanted a sleepover. We let her invite 7 friends, because we figured not everybody can make it and we would probably end up with 5. But as it turned out, all 7 attended. Bella had it all planned out. They would make a craft, they would have dinner, they would eat cake, they would watch a movie, and play around. It all went according to plan, EXCEPT for when it was time to go to bed. I knew they would go to bed late, but I never expect it would be 1:00 am and a few of them - Bella included - would still be bouncing around. Bella had fun, and her party was a success, but I am not sure that next year we want a sleepover all over again.

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