Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Vacation - Day 6 -Morning Run

Dec 26,

Since today was so unseasonably warm, I HAD to go out for an outdoor run. After waking up a bit after 8:00 am I quickly got up, got ready, and went outside with the dog. My plan was to run around the neighborhood. It was raining a little bit, but not too bad. Except that as soon as we started running it started to pour down. We got completely drenched, and the dog hated every minute of it. So after one mile I brought her back in, but forced myself to get back out there. The weather was bad, but I was not about to quit. Luckily it stopped pouring, and the leftover rain was not as bad. I completed my 3.1 mile run and immediately came back inside to take a quick shower before I got cold and potentially sick.

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